Painting Sundays (Part 2)

As mentioned in Part 1, these paintings are the result of a new tradition in our house: Painting Sundays. Our children do the majority of the sketches themselves, and Matt coaches them on friskets, brush techniques, washes and other paint applications.

Cow Fish by Timmy (5 years)

Toucanette by Timmy (5 years)

Ladybug by Kelly (8 years)

Bee Bee (our tail-less lovebird) by Timmy (5 years)

2 comments to Painting Sundays (Part 2)

  • These paintings are unbelievable! I teach cartooning to 10-13 yr. olds and THESE ARE BETTER not that they’re supposed to be funny but the line, the color, the layout is great. Kelly and Timmy are destined I believe to follow in daddy’s direction. xMartha

  • Thanks for the feedback, Martha. They’ll love hearing that.