Painting Sundays (Part 1)

Below are the results of a new tradition in our house: Painting Sundays. Matt has been setting aside a couple of hours every Sunday to help the kids learn watercolor techniques. They do the majority of the sketches themselves (on Drawing Saturdays, of course), and he coaches them on friskets, brush techniques, washes and other paint applications.

Even if you don’t have the luxury of a live-in artist, you’ll be amazed at what your children can create when provided with a little attention and the appropriate supplies. While archival-quality paper and paint yield beautiful results that will hold up for years, Crayola and other companies offer countless options as well. As for tutorials, look to the library and used book stores for inspiration and guidance—perhaps you’ll learn something fun yourself along the way.

Octopus by Kelly, age 8

Squid by Kelly, age 8

Bluey by Timmy, age 5

Goldfish by Timmy, age 5

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