Siamese Saturday

Sometimes “Painting Sundays” are on Saturdays. As for the subject matter, we never know what the kids are going to choose. We used to have goldfish but never bettas, and we haven’t been around any lately, so we have no idea why they decided to paint these. I guess that’s not the point. They picked [click headline to read more…]

Watercolor Wonders

It’s amazing what kids can do with the right supplies, instruction, encouragement and restricted screen time.

Timmy’s Scarlet Macaw, Eating (age 6, watercolor, 2/20/11)

Kelly’s Nuthatches, Pair (age 9, watercolor, 2/20/11)

© Liesl K. Bohan |

[click headline to read more…]

Let the Painting Begin!

After a hiatus of several months—and a Fun Fusion obsession (more on that later)—the kids are back to painting again. Here are their first watercolors for 2011.

Timmy’s Ivory Billed Woodpecker (1/9/11) Note: Timmy got really frustrated with his drawing, so Matt helped him with that, and Timmy took over from there.

Kelly’s [click headline to read more…]

Festive, Fabulous Felt

Merry Christmas!

Okay, so this is a little late for 2010, but it’s early for next year. ;=)

Inspired by paper ornaments he’s seen over the years, Matt came up with the design for these cardinal and train ornaments two Christmases ago. He made chickadees last year and is working on blue jays now. [click headline to read more…]

Nature Notes: Robins

Because of the information we posted about Operation Christmas Child last month, I hated to put anything above it. Now that the 2010 National Collection Week is over, it’s time to share something new. (Note: a handful of drop-off locations are open for another month.)

Did you know… not all robins head south for the [click headline to read more…]