Not Just Pond Water (Painting Sundays V)

These paintings are based upon pond life our children got to examine “up close and personal” this spring when Matt took them exploring around a small vernal pool in the woods near our house. (His background in biology comes in handy on such homeschooling expeditions.)

Kelly’s watercolor includes bloodworms, caddisfly larvae, leopard frog eggs and wood frog eggs, snails and two tadpoles. Timmy’s painting, which is of the pretzel bucket of water and critters temporarily collected from the pond, features most of the same elements—plus mosquito larvae.

Pond Life by Kelly Bohan (May 2010, 8 years)

(Not So) Still Life in Jar by Timmy Bohan (May 2010, 5 years)

Matt took the following photos and movie last June using pond water samples and a teaching microscope with dual-objective lens.

Mosquito eye (compound)


Mosquito proboscis tip


Content and photos © Matt and Liesl Bohan |

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